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Lluis Oviedo

Born in Spain (1958), is now full professor of Theological Anthropology at the Antonianum University, Rome; and invited professor in Theological Institute of Murcia, Spain, for questions of religion, society and science.

Has published books with the titles: Secularization as a Problem; Altruism and Charity; The Christian Faith and the New Social Challenges; Co-Editor with Anne Runehov of the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions (Springer), 4 vols. and about 190 academic papers.

Currently researches in the field of cognitive science of religion and its theological impact, and issues about secularization process and religious social dynamics.



Preface: Research Approaches to the Study of Religion

Issue: 5:4 (The twentieth issue)
Preface to the special issue ‘Research Approaches to the Study of Religion’. First of all we pay attention to cognitive studies of religion and compare theology and philosophy of religion.

Dealing with Free Will in Contemporary Theology: is It Still a Question?

Issue: 8:1 (The twenty nineth issue)
Free will is a very hot issue in several theoretical settings, but less in theology,
or at least not as much as use to be in former times, when the discussions on
sinfulness, grace and freedom were igniting a long season of controversies,
especially in the Reformation time. Even in ecumenical dialogue apparently
free will does not play a great role, since the reached consensus seems quite
peaceful and agreement dominates over discussion. However, some theological
insights, especially Karl Rahner reflections, are still worthy to consider and
possibly theological anthropology should pay more attention to the current
debate and its consequences for the way we understand human nature and its
relationship with God.

Atheism and Unbelief: Different Ways to Apply the Evolutionary Framework

Issue: 8:3 (the thirty first issue)
Religion has been intensely studied in the last years inside an evolutionary frame, trying to discern to what extent it contributes to fitness or becomes an adaptive entity in its own. A similar heuristic can be tried regarding the opposite tendency: unbelief and atheism, since these cultural phenomena could help to better adapt to some social settings or become an adaptive sociocultural niche on its own. The present paper examines some scenarios in which that question makes sense: the tradition of sociology of religion, with its different strands, including recent studies on "non-religious"; the cognitive; and the philosophical-theological reflection. The proposed venues show to what
extent the evolutionary model might reveal neglected aspects in the study of unbelief, and at the same time its limits or the open questions that such application raise.

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Theology in Times of Pandemic

Issue: 10:1 (the thirty seventh issue)
A question arises regarding theology and its functions when trying to cope with
the coronavirus pandemic. Surely Christian faith – along with other religions –
can play a role in helping to deal with this crisis, both for individuals and
collectively. Theology connects with the effort religious faith and Churches
perform and provides models and ideas to highlight the Christian sense of what
is happening, that is, in reference to a saving God. Four keys, rooted in the
Christian tradition, are proposed that allow us to understand these difficult
times in a meaningful way, that is, as revealing “signs of the times” for
believers, assisting them in their struggle to cope with these challenging

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Cognitive Science of Religion and Faith in the West

Issue: 12:3 (The forty sixth issue)
The interview given by Lluis Oviedo, a full Professor for Theological Anthropology at the Pontifical University Antonianum of Rome, and Fundamental Theology at the Theological Institute of Murcia (Spain). He is team member of research group on Creditions, based in Graz University (Austria). He edits a book series on “New approaches to the scientific study of religion” (Springer) and the bibliographic bulletin Reviews in Science, Religion and Theology. Research interests focus on the dialogue between theology and sciences, including the new scientific study of religion, and more recently to the interaction between religious belief and AI, and to how religious beliefs and behaviors are related to personal and social wellbeing.