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The article in the issue 7:1:

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The Authors
Basil Lourié, Paweł Balcerak, Selçuk Topal, Andrew Schumann, Błażej Skrzypulec, Paweł Rojek, Tudor Petcu,
Błażej Skrzypulec is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Philosophy of Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland). Interested in philosophy of perception, analytic metaphysics, formal ontology, and social ontology. In his dissertation he develops an ontological model of visual content.

Philosopher and sociologist, teaches ontology at Jagiellonian University. Interested in analytical metaphysics, cultural anthropology and Russian philosophy. The author of "Semiotyka Solidarności" [Semiotics of Solidarity] (Nomos, Kraków 2009). The editor-in-chief of "Pressje" journal.



Dynamic Essences: Absolute, Prospective, Retrospective,
and Relative Modalities

Essential properties are usually thought as properties that things must always
possess, whereas accidental properties are considered as changeable. In this
paper, we challenge this traditional view. We argue that in some important
cases, such as social or biological development, we face not only the change of
accidents, but also the change of essences. To analyze this kind of change we
propose an alternative view on the relations between the modalities and time.
Some properties might be necessary or possible for a thing in a classical sense
throughout its existence, whereas others might be necessary or possible only
for some restricted periods. We distinguish therefore absolute, prospective,
retrospective, and relative modalities. As we argue, these non-classical
concepts of modality are useful in analysis of some puzzling case of seemingly
changing essences.


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