Studia humana (SH) is a multi-disciplinary peer reviewed journal publishing valuable
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Greg Becker

Gregor Becker studied Philosophy and German Philology in Germany. His PhD-thesis dealt with the Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss who developed with the help of Martin Heidegger a fundamental new view on psychotherapy and even medicine. Since 2005, Gregor Becker has been working as a bioethicist at the Jagiellonian University in Poland, and in 2007, he has become Head of the Group for Bio-Ethics in Life Sciences.



Issue: ()

Black Forest Melody: Between Philosophical Kitsch and Identitarian Ideology: Heidegger’s Pastoral World-View in the Memorial A

Issue: 12:4 (The forty seventh issue)
Martin Heidegger is still subject to controversial discussions about his political views. The question in the centre of the discussions is not if he was politically on the far right, but how far right he was, and also how far right his philosophy is. However, the details of Heidegger's political approaches in his work are largely disguised and hidden behind Heidegger's typical writing style, which has remained undefined for so long. There is a short essay in Heidegger's work that may shed light on the roots and details of his ethnic-identity thinking: “Memorial Address”.